12 Day Buffalo Safari


  • 3 Course Meal Per Day
  • Drinks
  • Beer
  • Bottled Water
  • Wines

Tour Plan

Day 1 Chobe

Our exciting expedition will give our clients an opportunity to take a game viewing in one of
the uncharted beauty of Chobe national park. Chobe national park is one of the unspoiled
wilderness areas in Botswana. It is renowned for its large concentration of elephants and
buffaloes than any place in Africa; it would be a breath-taking moment for our potential
clients to witness Africa’s remaining beauty. Our professional guide/ guides will do meet and
greet to our clients at Kasane International Airport or in Victoria Falls Airport or at the
border. After meet and greet, guests will switch to our game viewing vehicle, this will mark
the beginning of a journey of a life-changing to our clients. Our passionate professional
guides will ensure every little detail is explained carefully to our clients, taking a game drive
along the banks of the Chobe River will enhance our client’s experience before reaching
camp. Upon arrival at camp, clients will be met by our friendly team. Our guide/ guides will
do safety briefing in camp, the DOS, and DON’Ts. Nevertheless, this will depend on what
time you arrive at camp, clients may relax a bit before taking an afternoon game viewing
activity, searching for predators, general game, and birds of Prey of the area. After wonderful
sightings, your guide will find a safe spot for sunset and sun downer drinks. Africa is
renowned for its stunning beautiful sunsets. After sun downer drinks, you will be slowly
heading back to camp searching for any possible sightings of cats, as they start their night
operations. Upon arrival at camp, warm showers will be provided. Pre-dinner drinks will
be served around the campfire. When dinner is ready your Chef will invite clients to enjoy
our delicious Bush Cuisine prepared from the open fire. After dinner, clients may sit around a
campfire with their guide or guides, where the guide will be able to share his or her
experiences in the bush, stories, history of this country, and its rich cultural diversity.

Day 2 Chobe

Your guide will wake up clients early, for early morning game viewing activities. However, a
light breakfast will be served before embarking on another exciting morning game drive. Our
light breakfast includes Cereals, Fruit juice, Yogurt, Toast, Tea, and Coffee. When everyone
is ready, your guide will be leading you to your game viewing vehicle, to start searching for
predators, general game, and birds of Prey of the area. After amazing sightings, your guide
will find a safe spot to stretch your legs, a pit stop for steaming Coffee, and fresh Muffins or
Biscuits. Under normal circumstances, a game drive should last for three hours. However, our
commitment guides are cantered on guests’ maximizing clients’ experiences, should there be
anything of interest our guides will stay longer out on a game drive. This will enable clients
to experience and witness a rare sight or capture a rare moment. Upon arrival in camp
lunch/brunch will be served, after lunch clients may take an afternoon siesta in camp to avoid
the heat of the day or take a shower to cool down the heat, before taking an afternoon sunset
boat cruise on the mighty Chobe River. An afternoon sunset boat cruise will be an
outstanding experience, witnessing elephants swimming, playing in the River will be a mind
blowing experience. We have seen different animals coming down to quench their thirst. On
this excursion, one will see crocodiles, hippos, and exciting birdlife on the Chobe River
cruise. After capturing the beautiful golden African sunset you will be heading back to camp
with another story to share with fellow travellers at the campfire.

Day 3 Chobe

Morning game drive and afternoon game will be conducted, taking different routes in search
more sightings, above mentioned will be provided to our clients.

Day 4 Savuti

A typical day on safari would begin with a light breakfast followed by an early morning game
drive when wildlife is most active, a pit stop for steaming coffee and fresh Muffins or
Biscuits may provide a quick break on the game drive. Savuti is one of the best-untouched
wilderness areas in Botswana. Upon arrival on this unique planet on earth, clients will relax a
bit before embarking on afternoon game viewing activities. At all times the emphasis is on
clients ‘primary interests, providing an opportunity to claim a wonderful photograph of the
experience. Savuti is known for its pride in lions, leopards, Cheetahs, Hyenas, and
endangered African Wild Dogs or the Painted Wolfs. Savuti is the migration route for Zebras
and Wildebeests, as they match across the unforgiving Kalahari sands, heading north to the
Linyanti Swamps. It is believed this migration taking place in northern Botswana is the
second largest migration compared to Kenya and Tanzania. Clients are likely to witness the
migration at the beginning of the month of April and November, as these animals follow their
seasonal migration route. November they begin to take their long journey due south to Nxai
Pans / Makgadikgadi national park.

Day 5 Savuti

A typical day on safari would begin with a light breakfast followed by a morning game drive,
searching for predators, general game, and birds of Prey of the area. After searching all
possible corners where wildlife might be, a pit stop for steaming Coffee with fresh Muffins or
biscuits will give clients time to stretch their legs. Our nonparticipation safaris provide guests
with the undivided attention of their guide and flexibility to enjoy a leisurely pace, stopping
to fully appreciate their surroundings without being concerned to prepare meals and erecting
tents. Back in camp lunch or dinner will be waiting prepared by our highly skilled Chef. A
quiet siesta time for the clients to pass the heat of the day in camp. Afternoon tea will mark
the start of the afternoon activities, break late in the day will provide an opportunity for
guests to stretch their legs, with a good number of refreshments, clients have a variety of

Day 6 Savuti

-On this particular day, your guide will take an early morning game viewing activity to the
savuti Marsh; this area will give clients a unique experience. These flood plains are excellent
sightings for cheetahs as it’s an ideal hunting grounds for these endangered animals. With
plenty of sweet grasses, the area has attracted many grazers, as a result, predators have been
witnessed stalking their Prey species, lion, leopard, and wild dogs have been seen. A star
animal on this flood plain is Bat Eared Fox, indeed a beautiful animal worth reaching
for. After the incredible sightings, a pit stop for steaming Coffee will be a welcome note and
give clients time to stretch their legs. After this break, your guide will continue searching for
more sightings but heading slowly back to camp for lunch. A quiet siesta time for the clients
to pass the heat of the day in camp. Whatever level of adventure is chosen on a mobile
camping safari, one can rest assured that the day will be filled with outstanding
sightings. Spending time in exhilarating closeness to wilderness and the guide will become a
friend and mentor, taking one through a journey that is both spiritual return to the nomadic of
all people and a world of adventure, and experience that cannot be surpassed.

Day 7 Savuti

Your guide will wake up clients, for an early morning drive. However, breakfast will be
served, after breakfast; you will be on the unbeaten path, also an opportunity to enjoy the
beautiful sunrise. Last Eden Safaris, is luxury orientated, a pit stop for steaming Coffee with
fresh Muffins or Biscuits will be served to clients, also this will give clients time to stretch
their legs. After tea break, your guide will continue searching for more sightings, but slowly
winding back to camp. After lunch clients will take a quiet siesta in camp to avoid the heat of
the day.

Day 8 Moremi Game Reserve

This will be another exciting day for our clients, as we will be heading to other pristine
wilderness areas in Botswana. However, a light breakfast will be served before starting
journeying westerly direction, before leaving savuti; clients will have an opportunity to visit
the ancient Art of the first inhabitants, the Bushman Rock Paintings. It is incredible and
special work, as it is believed to be over 3000 years old! After excellent narration from your
guide and explanations, you will be driving to Moremi Game Reserve. Preferably clients will
stay in Mogotho outside the Moremi Game Reserve, the season being that this will give
clients, a chance to conduct night safaris as well as off-road is not restricted unlike inside the
game reserve. This will present numerous opportunities to follow the animals. At this place
we are allowed to conduct night game drives, we are likely to witness predators in action at

Day 9 Magotho

A typical day on safari would begin with a light breakfast followed by an early morning game
drive when wildlife is most active. However, the above-mentioned breakfast will be served to
our clients. On a game drive, you will be searching for wild dogs, hence this is the best place
for these endangered species, and we stand a good chance to encounter them. After wonderful
morning sightings, clients will stretch their legs and Coffee will be served, before heading to
camp. Clients will relax a bit before embarking on an afternoon activity.
Mokoro is our traditional boat; on this excursion clients will enjoy the tranquillity and
peacefulness of the Okavango Delta, as you glide above the waters of this vast water system.
Your skilled guide will be able to spot small creatures like Painted Reed Frogs and many
interesting facts about this ecosystem. After a remarkable experience on your Mokoro
activity, you will end your day taking a night game drive; you are likely to spot the Princes of
the night, the leopard, and many nocturnal animals.

Day 10 Magotho

The above-mentioned breakfast will be served, before embarking on a morning game drive,
searching for predators, general game, birds of Prey of the area. Mogotho is also renowned
for its large herds of buffaloes and elephants. Taking a drive along the Khwai River is a
different perspective in terms of the variety; clients will be able to spot aquatic Antelopes the
Red Lechwe, and Reed Bucks. Large lion pride has been witnessed patrolling along the river
hunting prey species coming down to drink and surprised.

Day 11-12 Xakanaka In The Middle Of The Okavango Delta

On this day you will be heading westerly direction to Xakakana in the middle of the
Okavango Delta, driving through the Moremi Game Reserve. Moremi Game Reserve was set – aside by the Tawana people, one must remember that Chief’s Island was the cream hunting
ground of the chief Tawana, with the amazing vision they set aside this haven of wildlife to
be preserved for conservation! Your guide will wake you up early for an early morning game
drive, before leaving the Magotho area. However, a light breakfast will be served before
taking your morning game viewing. Xakanaka is a paradise for over 450 species of birds, a
home for predators, lions, leopards, Cheetah, and hyenas. Clients will be on the largest island
in the Delta, Chief’s Island. Clients will experience the meandering channels and lagoon
systems, on this boat cruise, you are likely to encounter a rare and shy antelope the Sitatunga.
Many travellers have solely visited the Okavango delta to see this beautiful shy Antelope.

Day 13 Maun

on this particular, you start very early, after breakfast you will take a morning game drive
heading to Maun to catch your flight. Our guides will assist you with check-in. When
everything is under control, your guide/guides will wish you a safe and an event free to your
respective places. This will mark the end of service. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS


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